Pyro stain

Ken Carney (
Sun, 01 Feb 1998 12:17:21 -0600

Re the recent messages on pyro and contrast of pt/pd prints: Recently I
have been experimenting with printing negs on the Epson 800, with
occassional success. So, this morning I got the idea of printing some with
a suitable pyro stain. The color picker in Photopshop doesn't seem to have
a pyro match, but I got pretty close. I'll print these in a few days, and
wondered if anyone else had tried this. I printed a conventional (?) neg
and the neg adjusted for stain alongside on the same transparency to see
what the effect on exposure time would be.

In fact, with Photoshop it is easy to make a negative with different
colors, and intensity of color, throughout the image. To the extent color
affects contrast, it would seem there is infinite control possible. I know
in conventional silver printing, the stain has a great effect. The pyro
negs are easy to print on VC paper with split filtering, since the stain
acts as a low contrast filter itself. I remember an article in one of the
photo mags a few years back. The author described a method of contrast
control (this was old-time printing with an enlarger) for VC papers with a
mask, consisting of a clear negative painted on with different colors to
alter contrast.

May be something to fool around with.

By the way, let me recommend an excellent Photoshop book: Photoshop 4
Artistry, by Barry Haynes and Wendy Crumpler (info at This
book is directed to photographers, and contains a lot of ideas I have not
seen elsewhere. It comes with a CD so you can recreate the procedures in
the book.

--Ken Carney

--Ken Carney