> First of all, for technical sake, let us stop the incorrect use of the
> terms
> like enhanced highlight separation (bad), improved highlight
> separation
> (worse), or increased highlight separation (worst, wrong). What we are
> seeing
> here is the exact opposite: highlight compression.
Dave - Thanks for your interesting and thorough discussion regarding
Pyro and compensating development in general. However, I need to
comment on the above paragraph. These terms are not "incorrect, bad,
worse or wrong". They refer, in the way I use them, to the print. Here
is a quote from a previous post of mine:
> In MY experience, nothing gives ME the delicate highlight separation
in MY platinum prints
> like FP4+ in PMK Pyro.
The highlight compression in the negative that you discuss results in
better separation of these values in the final print, because it brings
them into the range that can be printed. So taken in that context, the
statements are quite correct, albeit somewhat subjective.
Kerik Kouklis