Re: Great Enl. Negs - Better
Thu, 05 Feb 1998 11:28:52 -0500 (EST)

A while ago when I talked about compensation developer, I mention a John
Douglas of Spectrum Photo. Some have emailed me and asked for his site. I
finally found it:

>From the homepage, you can go to the darkroom section. I just re-visit it, the
formula are standard formula. Spectrum-I is basically a split-stock Rodinal,
but there is some general discussion about diluted development (he used 1:100,
90 mins, or something like that). There is also some discussion on adjacency

If you email him, he will reply to you. I think he is a nice, friendly guy
with strong interest in technical discussion of film development. A long while
ago we exchanged emails, and he talked about his overnight development! The
compensation action of course takes place in development like this although I
suspected that at some time all the developer will have been exhausted so
longer soak doesn't really much any difference.

Again, I am not saying that compensation development is the best or is better.
I am just putting this for anyone who is interested in it.
