> In a message dated 98-02-05 03:34:24 EST, achakali@freenet.columbus.oh.us
> writes:
> << Yes . . . but now I am going to go counter point on you . . . isn't
> photography about images? Fresson for its own sake is meaningless . . . >>
> On which point do you counter point on me? I didn't quote the whole message of
> yours, but I agree with the rest of your message (that the process itself
No offense intended and apologize if I miss interpreted your note. I was
simply trying to make the same point that your response note went on to
say . . . there are bad Fresson prints out there. The use of a process, no
matter how acclaimed, doesn't prevent so-so to down right bad prints from
being made and displayed.
Sincerely, Art
Art Chakalis
Columbus, Ohio, USA