Re: But I just want the FAQ's!

Gordon J. Holtslander (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 14:01:22 -0600 (CST)


There was a FAQ file available when this list was run through the
Australian site, since Feb. 97 it has been run from the U of S. The FAQ
file is not available via email. Please see the www faq at

On Mon, 9 Feb 1998 wrote:

> Does anyone know what's happened the the FAQ file? I've tried it several
> times today and I can't seem the retrieve it.
> Jackie Webster

Gordon J. Holtslander Dept. of Biology 112 Science Place
Tel (306) 966-4433 University of Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7N 5E2