Bostick & Sullivan moves ahead

Richard Sullivan (
Wed, 11 Feb 1998 14:11:32 -0700

Just thought I'd mention that B&S now has an online order system. I claim
bragging rights because I didn most of it myself. I contract for shopping
basket and SSL services from Icorp down in New Orleans.

This may make it a lot easier for some of our foreign customers who have
had to get up at 3:00 am to call us*. Local customers have long complained
that we didn't have an online catalog, just the PDF version.

You may roam the catalog without having to buy anything. Check out the
links to the reference file. This will give you formula weights, formulas
and storage info on various chemicals. I plan to enhance the links to also
include the MSDS's as well.

For the programmer types, I have a product database that interfaces with
our invoiceing system. The program grabs the product info from the database
and builds HTML web pages. The kits have links showing the components and
the componets link back to the chemical info if any.

I am working on improvements, but since folks on the list are like my
second family any comments or suggestions are appreciated.


--Dick Sullivan

*when we worked out of our home a few years back, folks would call us when
it was 3:00 am at our place. Since I had a day job back then, Bostick would
dutifly get up and take the order and not say a word about the time. Often
it would dawn on them later what they had done and be totally mystified
that there was someone there to take orders at 3:00 in the morning.

Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857