Jobo's and Slot Processors for Platinum

Adam Kimball (
Sat, 21 Feb 1998 10:01:21 -0800

Hi all-

Awhile ago I made a couple of platinum prints using a Jobo rotary
processor - a CPE-2 to be exact. I could keep the developer heated up,
used the lift to easily put the fluids back into the bottle, etc. The
only thing I worried about would be that the agitation would imbed iron
or other unpleasant chemicals into the paper which I couldn't wash out.
However, upon washing I never saw a trace of discoloration anywhere.
The prints turned out very nice as well. So.. naturally, I wonder if
anyone out there has any comments on this.

Another item I've been thinking about are Slot Processors. This seems
like a nice balance between trays and the Jobo. For the non-gear-heads
amongst us, these are boxes which contain three or four slots in them.
Each slot holds chemistry, and is heated. You simply attach a clip to a
print and drop it into the slot. What I like about these units is the
fact that they are tempered, and that they take up so little space.
What I am concerned about though is the ease of use in draining
chemistry out of them. Since I use contrast control in the developer,
I'll need to be changing it often... Comments?

Take care,

-Adam Kimball                   Fine Brand Media Incorporated-