There has been a bit of discussion about what to do and how
to do it in terms of photographic mechanics,
and since the mechanics of photography never seem to really change
(it's the same-old-same-old as I read the daily digests, re-solving
the problems everyone was having 30+ years ago, with a spicing
of digitalization).
What I don't see almost anyone writing about are (to me) the
much more interesting problems of meaning, how we do what we
do with the camera, why we do it, what we are trying to send out
to others, little things like that.
To my delight, while sorting through the stack of boxes I must
somehow organize in this archiving business, I found (taa...dah...)
offset negatives for the "Denver Workshop Reports" I prepared
of the Minor White Workshops.
Rereading them, I find them strongly appealing and very focused.
Yes, I know. . .
I wrote them but I believe they offer a strong, clear entree
into the what and why, without cant. Minor was working in a very
clean and straight-forward way those years, before the mystical
stuff crept in and muddled everything.
Anyway, I have scanned these pages and am preparing a "facsimile
edition" of the reports. They total 72 pages of text. If there's
interest I will prepare a bound photocopy for sale.
(Nothing on line, thanks anyway.)
Don't know what the price would be, not a big profit item
in any case.
Let me know your response direct.
Arnold Gassan