Jonathon Russell (
Thu, 12 Mar 1998 08:01:08 +0000

Richard Knoppow wrote:

> BTW, I understand that toning can done satisfactorily with Kodak Rapid
> Selenium Toner. Has anyone actually done this? The results are supposedly
> inferior to Gold toning but acceptable and its much cheaper. If it works,
> it would be of interest to those who want to explore POP without investing
> in the Gold Chloride.
> ----
> Richard Knoppow
> Los Angeles,Ca.

>From the efforts of my students, POP can be toned in selenium. The image
seemed to bleach slightly compared to same image in gold toner. I
personally did not care for the color from the selenium. But as you
point out, as with so many things in life, when money is involved beauty
can become secondary. ;-)

Jonathon Russell

"Expose for the Secrets, 
 Develop for the Surprises!"