Fwd: Cyanotype (was Hi from a stranger)

FotoDave (FotoDave@aol.com)
Tue, 17 Mar 1998 22:18:03 -0500 (EST)


I got a personal email from someone searching through the archive and somehow
mistakenly thought that I was a cyanotype expert whereas in fact I haven't
done *any* cyanotype. If you would like to help her, please email to her
directly since she is not on the list.

I have also given her Dick Sullivan's address (I haven't checked lately, but I
assumed she can still subscribe to the list through your Web site, Dick?)

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From: Deb Henigson <trill@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Hi from a stranger
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I am a photography student at Stanford University just discovering the
wide, wonderful world of cyanotyping. I was pouring over the
alt.photo.process archives (b/c the stanford net doesn't subscribe to the
newsgroup itself) looking for some cyanotyping help, and you seem very
knowledgeable on the subject.

I just need a quick&easy cyanotyping recipe. What formula would you
recommend for a beginner?

Thanks so much for your time,

Deb Henigson

---------{ >*=o) --Some girls got it, some girls don't.-- Dot }---------

Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10th of a calorie.
Yet Another...Useless Fact.

DARCH, aka Deadly Deb -=*=- trill@leland.stanford.edu
Deb & Jen's Land O' Useless Facts /~jenkg/useless.html

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