There are no definitive answers here as of yet. Do not rely upon the images
you make today to last for a long time. Eventually, perhaps - but not yet.
Here is a question for someone to answer: Is it safe to assume that the
average person who buys an image, be it a painting, black and white print,
or color print, he or she will expect it to last for some length of time,
say 10 - 15 years? I assume that people make that assumption. In the back
of their minds they might feel that it won't last forever, but it will
still last for a decade.
If you buy a sofa, you probably do not ask the salesperson if the colors
will fade in years to come; you know they will and the question stays in
the back of your mind. It is assumed by you, and the salesman that the
colors will last some undetermined length of time. But after a year,
suppose the colors fade to a point where the sofa no longer looks good. You
complain and seek a refund or a replacement. If it can't be replaced, many
of you, I suspect will seek a refund.
What happens if they buy an image and it fades in 3 - 5 years (or 1 - 2
years or less)? Are they going to be upset and seek a lawyer to collect
money? I also assume that if you sell an image for $500.00 - $1500,00 and
it fades faster than the customer expected it would, they might come after
you, and then what will happen? Refund the money? will you have it? will
you still have the digital files to reprint it? Suppose you sell many
images for tens of thousands of dollars and you are forced into repaying
your customers? Will you be able to?
Is there any value to adding a disclaimer alerting the buyer to a possible
fading issue? How will this affect sales? Is this something not to worry
about? Did I make some of you think? Or am I full of Dektol?
Comments please.