Campos & Davis (campos-davis@lineone.net)
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 03:05:02 +0100
Does anyone know what is happening about APIS 1998. Despite our offer,
being Portuguese speakers, we have heard nothing. This might be because
our computer missed several days having a new hard drive installed, but it
is getting very close to the time we have to book airfares to get them at a
discount rate.
Terry King: We would love to attend MINI-APIS at Bath. Please put our name
down for it, however if anyone has heard about Orporto please let us know
urgently. Many thanks.
Campos & Davis Photos
6 Cranbourne Road
London N10 2BT
Tel/Fax + 44 181 883 8638
email: campos-davis@lineone.net