Re: Albumen

Thu, 02 Apr 1998 04:39:11 -0500

Message text written by
Also keep in mind that the old timers used Albumen in its pure form. No
telling what you will get if you use the stuff make for cooking. Try a
Fisher Chemical for prices and information. Fisher is a LARGE Supplier of

I have been using cooking grade albumen for years; it works fine.

As does caustic soda for drains in photographic recipes. Others domestic
substitutes are bisulphite for cleaning bottles, arrowroot for sauces,
bicarb for indigestion, Conversely hypo is used as a cure for corns and
silver nitrate was used to get rid of warts.

There is no extra benefit from buying a chemical from a chemical company
just because it is a chemical company. Just check out the purity that is
needed and then, if it is cheaper from your hardware store or garage, go
for it.

As chemical companies go I find Aldrich very helpful. But shop around.
Ferric Oxalate is about four pounds a gram from the chemical houses but
substantially cheaper from B & S.

Terry King