Brush Marks on Platinum/ Pd. prints
Stephen R Harrison (
Fri, 03 Apr 1998 12:18:20 -0700
If it's not one thing, it's another !!!
I am printing a 12x20 inch continuous tone negative and using sodium
dichromate / Potassium Oxalate method of development .I carefully coated
my platinotype paper with 4.5 ml of ferric oxalate #1 solution ( 72 drops
equavalent) , no #2 restrainer and added 4.0 ml of palladium and .5ml of
platinum. I used a acrylic rod in the application. The paper gradually
buckles ever so slightly making the puddle pusher ineffective as slight
pools of sensitizer were apparent. I then used a brush ( Hake) and smooth
it all out. Later after development and clearing, I note the presence of
slight brush marks in the highlight areas of sky. Good old sky and the
problems that inevitably occur in the sky in pt printing. Possibility #1 is
that I brushed too long and the drying left the brush marks. Possibility# 2
is that I used too much sensitizer and had to brush too long to spread the
sensitizer. What are others experience in doing large prints which are
difficult to coat? I have had problems in the past with 14x17 in using the
puddle pusher exclusively whereas on smaller prints, there is no problem in
the exclusive use of the glass rod for coverage. I don't need a brush
there. I find I do need a brush and glass rod in the application of
sensitizer on these larger prints. Do others find this? Does double
coating of the paper help in this problem?
Stephen Harrison