*MY* Problem with APHS!!!

FotoDave (FotoDave@aol.com)
Thu, 09 Apr 1998 02:01:28 -0400 (EDT)

Some of you might remember that I had a lot of problem using lith film with
Dektol developed for continuous tone. After a lot of pain, I finally found the
problem (although I haven't found the solution yet). I am surprised that no
one else seems to be having the problem that I am having though.

I am using Dektol 1:9 to 1:11 and develop for 3 minutes. I used my timer just
like when I develop my print. I set it to 3 mins, and at the end of the 3
mins, it will beep for 10 seconds. I lift up the print when the timer starts
to beep, let it drip, and drop it in the stop bath at the end of the beep.
Everything works fine with regular print (paper).

However, with the lith film, the dripping period cause the developer to run
down of the surface of the lith film, and this creates a more developed line
flowing from the thong (tong?). It is very visible as if that part is actually
burned in. I reduce the dripping time to 5 seconds, but sometimes it still


1. Am I the only one who has this problem?

2. When you move the film from the developer to the stop bath, do you move as
frantically fast as I do (has to be less than 3 seconds)?

3. What dilution and development time do you use? I am developing the film for

Thanks in advance!

Dave S.