The exhibition will be of the very finest modern examples of the various
processes we can find either by professionals or amateurs; the criterion
will be excellence. And the professionals produce work that really is
inspirational. There will be 20 x 24 four colour carbons on fine papers
that would leave many on the list convinced that work of such excellence
was impossible. We will also include Iris and other computer derived
images. We will have some examples of the best from the past so that
comparisons can be made, for example with Frederick Evans and Alvin
Langdon Coburn, Echague or the Hofmeisters. I will curate the exhibition
with advice from established top profesionals in the field.
Speakers will be chosen on the basis of their practical skills as lecturers
and practicioners and their depth of knowledge .
This will be a change from what was originally envisaged. But the title ' A
Celebration of Alternative Processes' remains .
I would particularly welcome comments on the feasibility of including N
American work at this short notice.
Although we have a provisional list of speakers and exhibitors I would be
interested to have any suggestions off list .
Terry King