>I am not sure that this question belongs to this list, but as I entend to use
>this camera for alt-process work, I may as well try!
I'm sure your question is welcome here, but you might get more responses at
rec.photo.largeformat in the usenet groups.
>I would like to find out 1) when this camera was in use and 2) who can help me
>to restore it. >SNIP<
>But the bellows is cracked at almost every corners!<SNIP>
I'm assuming from your e-mail address that you are in the states? If so I
have had very good luck using Western Bellows at (909-980-0606). Bellows
are not cheap ;-(
>On the lenses: Swiff & Sons London - Rapid 9x7 - Paragon - # 3257- F8 to 64.
> Swiff & Sons London - #6 Portable - Paragon - # 3258 -F11.3 to 64
>SNIP< No trace of a shutter!
Barrel lenses are very usable if you are a studio shooter (assuming your
studio can be made near dark). If you are a nature shooter, with modern
(fast) film they are difficult to use.
>There are three film carriers. Size 61/2 by 81/2.
This is no longer a standard size. Make sure they are film holders, not
plate holders. If they are film holders, then Photo Warehouse can cut a
few different films to size for you (800-922-5484). This will leave you
very limited in film choices. I know of no place you could get color film
of any type. Another problem is getting any more holders (good luck).
Assuming that the back of your camera is removeable, you might investigate
buying an old 5x7 back and adpating it to your camera body. That would
solve all your film and holder problems.
I would add up the costs of rebuilding the camera, the bellows, the limited
film choices, the obsolete holder size, the shutterless lens, etc. Some
people live for a project like this, I'm not one of them. I have rebuilt a
few wooden field cameras, and they worked out fine. If I sound negative I
should admit that any project requiring sawdust turns me into an unhappy
grouch! This camera may or may not be worth your time and money. Good luck