Re: chemical hysteria

Mike Coslo (
Sat, 16 May 1998 22:04:28 -0400

Joe Portale wrote:

> I never intended to attack you intelligence nor your integrity with my
> response. I will stand by my stand that tasting photo-chemicals is a
> bad idea and would not promote the practice. We simple have a >difference of opinion.

This would probably be a bad time to mention the oldtimers that had a
bit of Potassium Bromide in water every day? I must stress I am not
suggesting in any way that anyone else do this!

It is really incumbent upon us, the users to know what we are using,
and how safe or dangerous what we are using is. The handling of benign
chemistry with the same precautions as dangerous chemistry is a waste of
time and energy. Richard's point that labeling everything poisonous is
not a good idea is a point well taken.

Know what you are using! I have the data sheets for all the chemicals I
use *plus* I look up whatever data is available on any chemistry I use.
It is amusing (alarming?) that people assume that since they can buy
something, it is perfectly safe to use.

I also think that when playing the chemical safety game we enter into
the slippery slope area. How much caution is enough? Is there any way we
can make things idiot proof? The answer is no. The safest thing to do is
to provide a disclaimer, as I did for the mention of taking a bromide.

And trouble may come from strange quarters! When I was experiencing
some problems, and needed to limit my overall exposure, it was suggested
that I always wear gloves- no more dipping my hands in any
photochemistry. Well, in a few weeks, my hands were a blistery mess.
Turns out I was allergic to the gloves.

- Mike -