RE: Two Color, Full Color and Dr. Land

Herold Faulkner (
Tue, 19 May 1998 22:16:42 -0700

This was, I believe, a PBS Special, perhaps NOVA? Have you tried to contact
Polaroid? I suspect someone there will be able to tell you.


-----Original Message-----
From: William Laven []
Sent: Tuesday, May 19, 1998 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: Two Color, Full Color and Dr. Land

>Here is a question for some of you. I remember seeing some demonstrations
>of experiments conducted by Dr. Edwin Land which seemed to indicate that
>only 2 colors are required for some full color applications. The program
>was several years ago, and I am not sure of all the details of the
>demonstration. As I recall, it had much to do with the brain's ability to
>add missing information to the scene. I do remember the full color
>reproductions of flowers made with during the demos. Anyone else remember
>this or can any of you provide some missing information?
>He also discussed depth perception and how it is not a big factor for
>people who have had stereoscopic vision at some point in their life, but
>lost an eye due to injury or disease. The brain creates the depth clues.

I remember an article from 5-8 years ago (G), maybe in Science mag, about
Land's work with 2-colors that provided an explanation. Does anyone else
remember that? Any more complete info out there?


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