Re: Researching Patents
Richard Knoppow (
Wed, 20 May 1998 00:47:52 -0700
At 08:43 PM 5/19/98 -0400, gary stephen thompson wrote:
>Bob Szabo wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone on the list has any knowledge about resaerching
>> patents.
>> Best Regards,
>> Bob Szabo
> Bob goto that is the home page of the U.S. Patent
>and Trademark Office. At the bottom of the page is a link to search
>patents. What you get is an abstract based on your search. You will
>have to purchase copies of the actual patent applications but , they
>will have all of the document, drawings; etc.
>good luck
>Gary Thompson
There are a few large public libraries which have complete patent data on
The Los Angeles County main branch is one of them. I don't know where the
others are but
if you are lucky there may be one near you.
At the LA library one can search by number, date, name of patentee,
keywords, and some other criteria.
Patent searching can be fun and also very tedious. You will need to learn
a whole new language of patent jargon and even then it is often very hard
to make sense of what exactly is being claimed.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.