Patents. Was: Re: gun at yr hea

Luis Nadeau (
Thu, 21 May 1998 17:58:36 -0300

At 12:57 PM 98/05/21, Judy Seigel wrote:

>Oh, but Dwight, it gave me the opportunity to describe patent research and
>Room 315 at the New York Public library... hope you read that one. A
>couple of folks told me it was an inspiration.

Patents are extremely important. My books are filled with them, sometimes
quoted verbatim, sometimes translated into English. There is nothing more
exciting than being the first to find an 1855 French patent that
invalidates an 1943 American patent for instance.

I have notes on thousands of patents in my database. Many have asked me if
I would like to publish all of this information someday. The problem is
that my database is a rats' nest in three languages (I hate translating
although I have to do it everyday) and it would take me years to translate
and organize everything neatly. I can't see this happening in the
foreseable future.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, NB, Canada