> >There is also a 1976 edition of Wall and Jordan's "Photographic Facts and
> >Formulas," published by Prentice-Hall, Inc., described on the title page as
> >"Revised and extensively rewritten by John S. Carroll."
> Yes, but has anyone figured out just what has been extensively rewritten?
> It seems to me that it is essentially the same book.
But in my experience the most recent one is the hardest to find of all.
It's out of print, and I've never seen it second hand. The earlier ones
I've found from $10 (10 years ago) to $30-40 now, though Dwight said the
one he found was many times that.
Incidentally, didn't we have this discussion already? Wondering, as many
have these 10 years, why no one puts it back in rint.