Re: lith film & pyro

Richard Sullivan (
Wed, 27 May 1998 09:38:00 -0600

At 11:22 PM 5/26/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Dear Friends,
>I'm asked off-list a question I can't answer (what can I say, it happens),
>but am sure the answer is out there somewhere, so here goes:
>A new alt-printer wants to begin large negative making with lith developed
>in pyro, and asks
>> > 1) would you recommand Pyro (PMK) as a developer? If no, which other, or
>> > some other developer along with Pyro?
>I told him I'd HEARD that someone had good results with pyro on lith and
>that the information was linked to the Bostick and Sullivan Web page,
>tho perhaps Dick will confirm if that is so...

It is so. Stuart Melvin, here in Santa Fe does some stunning 16 x 20
enlarged negs using el cheapo litho film from Freestyle Sales in LA. It
seems that the pyro stain mediates the high contrast of the litho film when
printing pd-pt.

The details are on my site.


Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857