I pay $35 for a high end drum scan of virtually any size. Just had some
done last week that are about 60 megs.
I'm not sure what you mean by "imagesetter proofs" but for film output
(3600 dpi, 225 linescreen) I am paying about $65 for 16"x20" or 10"x25"
David Fokos' estimate of $30 to $35 for 16x20 film is considerably lower
than anything I've seen in my area (Northern California). Prices for
service bureau work do vary widely and are seem to be driven by local
demand vs. competition in a given area.
> I am curious what kind of specific prices people are getting for Drum
> Scans for making digital negatives. I have a place here in Santa
> Barbara
> that charges 0-35 MB $48.00, 35-70MB $68 and 70-105MB $88.00. The
> imagesetter proofs are for an 18x24 inch sheet of film $37.00. Are
> these
> numbers high, medium or low? What kind of numbers are other people
> getting
> and does the price vary on account of the type of drum scanner or
> imagesetter used?