Re: diazo sensitizers & Ultrastable
Thu, 14 May 1998 16:49:27 -0600

>>In short he hasn't and it isn't. (He suggested diazo systems are only
>>really suitable for proofing and require plastic papers.)

I tend to disagree with this. Some diazo based emulsions will adhere to
glass, metal films, brass, copper, unglazed and glazed ceramics, cardboard,
a variety of different paper stocks, plastic film, chemical coatings,
anodized surfaces and painted surfaces. However, light will rapidly fade
these materials. I use these materials as part of several mechanical

>Why, he asked, are people so keen to
>find out how he - or Fresson etc - makes prints rather than doing a little
>research and finding their own ways. The idea that people should find
>their own way in life rather than copying others was a lesson he learnt
>from his father at an early age.

I completely agree with this. After all, the literature is rife with great
ideas that can be used as a stepping off point.

>>As he said, if you phone up Kodak they won't tell you how to produce E6.

Their Technical Document ER-133, October 1968 will. As will the patent
literature. Everyone, go to the IBM Patent Site and have a look. It is an
amazing place. Be warned though....Patents do not offer a step-by-step how
to do it explanation. You had better have some general chemistry, organic
chemistry and photo chemistry behind you.