Only if there are the two options, oxalic acid and citric acid. I assume
this is an intelligent group and are able to read. I made this point
emphasize that oxalic acid was not *extremely* toxic. I never said this was
a general way to test chemicals. I also said that *I* was not afraid to do
it, not that anyone else should do it. You have extended this into
something I did not say. I never *advocated* this approach and if you read
that anywhere in my quote, you are illiterate. If you go around willy nilly
tasting chemicals, then you are a fool.
I apologize for assuming that everyone here was intelligent and could read.
At 03:10 PM 5/15/98 -0600, wrote:
>>>>I have no fear of tasting oxalic acid and I've done it on occasion to
>>determine if it is oxalic acid or citric acid and only if I know that is
>>the only two options.
>(Wait......Let me first put up the flameproof barrier so when the flames
>arrive, I will be ready.)
>The above quote is absolutely reckless, and Ill advised. I do not care if
>God himself tells you it is OK to taste chemicals, it is foolish. I know
>from experience that if you say it is OK to do something, everyone will be
>doing it. Please, Please not advocate this approach to
>identifying chemicals. It is foolish. BTW: If you publish this 'Taste Test
>Tip' where someone can read it publicly, you open yourself to potential
>legal issues and problems if the reader trys it and gets into trouble.
>Suppose they do not know what a chemical tastes like and they mistake one
>of a worse one?