> > If folks find this post unuseful, then you know how I feel about all the
> > patent bickering that has been crowding my mailbox of late.
> Oh, but Dwight, it gave me the opportunity to describe patent research and
> Room 315 at the New York Public library... hope you read that one. A
> couple of folks told me it was an inspiration. My intent, besides of
> course the plug for Giuliani town (now dropped to about 116th place in
> crime rates of big cities, below Boise, Idaho, if you could believe), was
> to give some feel for the happenstance and pleasures of research, beyond
> just getting stuff off microfilm... The patent(s) I researched were
> pretty, neat also, by the way (stay tuned)...
OK, Duntera bickering, or whatever his name is.