Supposedly, according to the literature of my service bureau, the
ProPhotoCD scan is "sufficient for prepress color separations, image
retouching and digital archiving". And they are cheaper. I've already
read David Fokos' article on making digital negatives for B&W fine-art
photographs, which has prompted my questions. Otherwise I would just go
with the PhotoCD.
The thing is, it seems like regardless of what format my original film
(35, 120,4x5), the final size is 4096x6144. For a 4x5 negative, that is
1024 dpi, not 4096.
Has anyone used this, and am I understanding the literature correctly?
Firstly I am wanting to clean up some scratches on some negatives, and
to cleanup some fingerprints on some infrared negatives. I would want
an end result that would be comparable to the original, except with
defects corrected (i.e. usable for enlarged silver prints).
After that I would look at what I need for alt-photo-processes regarding
enlarged negatives.
Dwight "The Question Man" Shackelford