Re: Dr. Perrera

Darlington Media Group (
Sat, 30 May 1998 14:00:56 -0600 (CST)

I interviewed Dr Dunstan Perrera for the U.K. magazine "Darkroom User"
about a month ago and I can confirm Peter Marshall's assessment of
Dunstan's Heliochrome prints....they are superb!
His images (12 x 16 and 16 x 20) are generally made on Bockingford 90 lb
(not) watercolour paper and the saturation of the colours, highlight and
shadow detail are truly amazing......I kid you not!
He will make prints from colour negative stock or slide, up to 5 x 4. The
examples he showed me were from a wide variety of professional
photographers and covered the whole gamut of photography from still life
through to fashion.
Dunstan told me that he charges £155 per print or more correctly, £150 for
the print and £5 for the tobacco for his pipe!

Tony McLean.