Re: Patents -Forwarded

Colin McKie (
Fri, 05 Jun 1998 17:56:08 +1200 wrote:
> >>For those of you who are interested in the arguments against using
> patents
> this is the best resource I know of.
> This site is run by Don Lancaster. with all due respect to Mr. Lancaster,
> he is one who believes you should not obtain a patent. I think this is
> curious advice, as if you do not obtain protection, you are in a lot of
> trouble if you try to defend your rights. I would be surprised if his
> suggestions and ideas about patents are shared by too many other
> corporations.
> RM

Bob, you have missed the whole point of Don's advice. It is not aimed at
corporations but at garage-sized small businesses. His view, which it
would be difficult to dispute, is that patents are for bodies which can
afford armies of lawyers.

To try to keep this on-topic, Don has a lot of interesting if unusual
advice for small enterprises, which could be helpful to
photographers/printers trying to make some money from their activities.

Colin McKie

Mainland Mono
Monochrome & Infra-Red
Rangiora, New Zealand