Re: Drying cabinets

William Laven (
Fri, 05 Jun 1998 10:50:45 -0700 (PDT)

>Egad -- $125 for a heating element? A much cheaper heater can be made out
>of a lightbulb and tin can.

Your solution will certainly work in many cases, but a flat surface works
for many others like being in a tight space, laying under trays for
heating, trying to heat a small space evenly. Also, the Enerjoy uses some
kind of material inside (ceramic?) where the unit itself does not get that
hot so its not a danger if your hand touches it. It also has a very wide
range of temperature and you could stabilize and set it for diff tempts. As
an example (following yours) you could have one setting for film and
another for prints and know that the temp will go to where you want it and
stay there. I doubt a bulb on a dimmer would give you the accuracy or wide
range of temperatures, so in situation where those are helpful the Enerjoy
works particularly well. A different application might make the light bulb
solution the perfect one.


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