Re: Anderson's "gum-pigment ratio test" (fwd)

Jeffrey D. Mathias (
Fri, 05 Jun 1998 21:21:42 -0400


I am glad to hear your comments concerning the Adam's book and
Anderson's gum-yness. Another one of THOSE publications I don't have to
try to get.

It is just this reason that I have stopped reading info in books on the
Pt/Pd process. I only depend on what I can do myself or learn from
someone who's work I admire. It is unfortunate that I cannot trust what
I read.

Have you ever seen any work (gum prints) by the author of this book? If
so, were they any good? People who have nothing better to do than write
books for money do a grave disservice to those who are honestly
searching to better their skills.

I'll stick by the "show me your work first, then maybe I'll listen to
you" technique.

Jeffrey D. Mathias