>On the other hand, this is a free world and I strongly encourage you,
>pardon, I CHALLENGE YOU and Terry to start your own list.
As was pointed out to me in a private message, the ghost of Terry would now
haunt the list. His ghost seems to be having quite an effect.
Why should *you* challenge *me*? I made the statement a while ago that the
list wasn't a democracy and never would be. A barrage of messages then
followed that the list was democracy. I now perceive that I am no more or
less important than you are on the list. Let us know if this interpretation
is wrong.
I am not into trading challenges and I am also very tired of off list
messages concerning this issue. Because of their private nature, they tend
-- at least I see them this way -- to be laced in venom. This could be my
own paranoia showing however. I think that this is one of the reasons that
there is much confusion on the list concerning this matter because so much
of it has occured out of sight.
I am now ignoring any private messages concerning this matter. I think this
is at the root of the problem. The list will not survive unless this issue
is resolved or everyone who disagrees with the decisions made by the power
people are kicked off.
I have never bashed anyone on the list. I have had disagreements over
technical issues and over the years have contributed much to the technical
discussions here. I believe I have carried myself with the best of manners.
If I have ever displayed any form of arrogance to anyone, I apologize. I
have no beef with anyone here.
I agree that that the issue concerns off list issues between Luis and Terry
and that the rest of us would not understand the nature of that conflict.
Your challenge for me to start my own list and the your linkage of me doing
it with Terry is not appreciated. Because I dare to *question* the wisdom
of kicking Terry off, I am now linked to him as a fellow conspirator. I
have had "guilt by association" messages off list as well. Remember, Joe
McCarthy is dead.
I think it also important that we remind ourselves that the list is a very
small club, perhaps a couple of dozen active particpants and 500 hundred
lurkers. I could pull off a full tilt fillibuster reading the names of
important alt-photo people who are not here. Power struggles on the list
have a comic opera quality to them. I think we should all laugh a little
and then take a deep breath.
I know I know, I just don't get it. I am sorry but I do. I'm just not
buying in to it.
--Dick Sullivan