Re: New chrysotypes

Peter Marshall (
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 10:29 +0000

In-Reply-To: <>
> One year ago in the B&S site a page was dedicated to an adaptation
> of Ware's method (ever published?) proposed by John Rudiak,
> employing in the formula the "disodium salt of 3,3'-thiodiproprionic
> acid ([CAS 111-17-1], known in England as 3,3'-thiodipropanoic acid)"

3,3'-Thiodipropionic acid is listed as such in my Aldrich catalogue and is
reasonably priced, at 4UKP for 100g (other quantities available.) My copy
is a year or two out of date so the price may be wrong.

Also in the current Sigma catalogue (part of the same company)at 4.20 UKP.

Sigma-Aldrich are a worldwide company but I don't have their details for
Italy. Also known as Fluka, Supelco, Riedel-de Hahn, RBI. They are on the
web at though I haven't visited the site.

I think Mike Ware has published some articles related to the chrysotype in
chemical journals, but I don't have the references.

Peter Marshall

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