Re: 65% gold -Forwarded
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 16:48:27 -0600

>>Judy didn't say the gold was in solution. She reported on GoldIII
Chloride, which happens to contain 65% gold. That is 65% of the
molecules weight is composed of gold. This is moot, as this is not the
gold we want. Gold trichloride is AuCl3.2H2O. We need Gold
Trichloride, acid form, or Chloroauric acid, HAuCl4.3H2O. Be careful to
get the right stuff.

There are many compounds that contain gold that are so deadly, there are
very few people on this list capable of handling them with care. I gather
this from reading months of posts to this and other lists where people want
to play a what-if game of chemical substitution. BE CAREFUL! seek advice
from a chemist, not someone on the Internet.

Even the some of the so called experts who sell chemicals scare me because
of some of the comments they post.