No need to speculate, test. Here's how Mike Ware tested gum emulsion,
which every book in the known universe says is not light sensitive when
wet. He put a sheet of saran wrap (or whatever they call saran wrap in
Buxton) between the negative and the wet emulsion and exposed. It was
light sensitive.
I had tested VDB emulsion the same way years ago. It was light sensitive,
in fact printed a very interesting black. But because it was messy and
began to dry partway through, so that the results were very uneven, and I
wasn't into uneven effects at the time, I didn't pursue it.
As for putting the clear bottle in the bright sun --- we don't know what
rays the glass filtered out, and in any event, I suspect the light would
only penetrate the outer layer, so whatever "findings" on that seem hard
to generalize from.