> Following others suggestions I first boiled my storage bottles (buying new
> ones might have been simpler), and have since kept the "A" solution in my
> film (not food) refrigerator in between uses. No mold!
...I personally do not bother about keeping stocks of "A" and "B", I just
weigth out the approp. amout (the amount I think I need for one printing
session) of the two chemicals and mix them togheter in the same volume of
water, both chemicals solute easily and fast. But then again, I have easy
acces to digital scales and electric stirrers..
> As an interesting aside, I found I got much deeper D-Max tones (on SOME
> papers) if I double coated AND avoided heat drying the paper. It is worth
> a try!
..I agree on that one, I havre used it for these negatives with an "Less
than optimal" density, I found it difficult to get an even (double) coat
Cor Breukel
"The Infrared Gallery"