Re: Photo-history Symposium, Photokina & APIS 2000
Edward Meyers (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 10:46:01 -0400 (EDT)
Well in advance may not be in time as airplane tickets must
be reserved and purchased about now....and there's the problem
of hotel rooms...For personal reasons I would prefer the
meeting to be before photokina, not after. Photokina comes at
a very difficult time for a number of people, many of whom
will be leaving Koln on the Sat or Sun before the show closes.
On Tue, 30 Jun 1998, Klaus Pollmeier wrote:
> Chris Fox schrieb:
> > There will also be a further APIS, Alternative Photography International
> > Symposium, in Cologne in the week before Photokina.
> Please note that the date for APIS 2000 is NOT fixed yet. It will either
> be just before or just after Photokina (20th to 25th September 2000). We
> will let you all know well in advance about the exact date.
> Klaus Pollmeier