Sat, 02 Jan 1999 18:36:22 -0400 (EDT)
Some time back I also went into a "lurk" mode because of someone sniping
at me. Gradually I realized I was allowing this person to spoil my fun so
I grew a thicker skin and returned. There were also a number of times when
flame wars came near destroying the spirit of this list, but the list
continues because those who have something worthwhile to contribute have
managed to ignore those who contribute only negativism.
I can only second Judy's remarks and urge you not to lurk or leave the list.
There are only two things you can do with pissants: (1) squash them
(2) ignore them. No. 2 works better because they hate that. Some would
rather be squashed than ignored. If you let them get to you then they win.
Hang in there!
Bob Schramm
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