Richard Knoppow (
Sat, 02 Jan 1999 20:18:16 -0800
At 01:31 AM 1/3/99 +0000, Mac Legrandi wrote:
>I saw a Bruce Davidson show in LA of his: The Brooklyn Gang. These are
35mm B&W from the 50s. The images are grainy and contrasty. 5x7 & 8x10s.
The films today are so good you really can't get that effect.
>Anyone familiar with his images and how I can get the same effect?
Obviously the contrast is not the problem. Any special film and developer
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Try Tri-X and Rodinal. Rodinal tends to clump grain and has lots of edge
effects so the result has that gritty look.
Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles,Ca.
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