Re: Archives Directory

William Laven (
Mon, 04 Jan 1999 12:36:43 -0800 (PST)

>I received today four notices of the type below regarding my recent
>postings to the alt-photo-process list. Are others receiving similar
>notices or am I the only one experiencing this problem?
>Sandy King
>Date: Mon, 04 Jan 1999 12:27:33 -0600 (CST)
>Subject: Re: EDTA in pyro
>MIME-version: 1.0
>Your message could not be added to the Archives directory. Send the message
>you want archived to,

I got four, too. How can we fix this?

                           WILLIAM LAVEN PHOTOGRAPHY

    Workshops and tutorials in Platinum/Palladium printing and Zone System.

   1931 23rd Street, San Francisco, CA, 94107
   415-647-9432 (voice) 415-647-9438 (fax)


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