Judy Seigel (jseigel@panix.com)
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 02:14:53 -0500 (EST)
I share a press release arrived today, "Six Konsecutive Years of Krap:
High Art/Low Tech" from Soho Photo at 15 White St, in Tribeca, NYC.
Contact is Sandra Carrion 516/485-6951, gallery is 212/226-8571. (No Web
site is cited, if you could believe.)
"This truly unique exhibition will feature images produced using equipment
on the lowest end of the technological scale. The philosophy of this show
is *In the hands of an artist, any piece of equipment can be used to
create engaging photographs.*"
This is the 6th annual members exhibition dedicated to the plastic camera,
from the Diana, Holga, Lubitel and "other obscure junk store finds, to
home made pinhole jobs." The release adds that "point-and-shoot cameras
and disposable carmeras are too extravagant for this show... also too
easy. A Krappy Kamera makes you work."
Besides showing members of the Soho Photo cooperative gallery, there was a
competition, with over 1000 entries submitted by 206 photogs. Harvey Stein
was juror.
Opening is Tuesday, March 2, 6-8 PM
Exhibit is on until March 27.
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