Jonathan C Hall (
Sun, 17 Jan 1999 17:59:51 -0800
My first thought is that Clorox is so cheap why not just make a fresh batch to
ensure repeatable results.
"Karl P. Koenig" wrote:
> An important component of gumoil printing is the etching of residual gum
> areas with Clorox bleach, in solution with water about 1:6. Can anyone
> tell me how to calibrate the bleaching strength that is left in the tray
> after several etchings or after a day or more of just sitting there? I
> suspect that there is a way of determining the strength in an ideal, fresh
> solution and then comparing that measurement and calibrating it against
> progressively weaker solutions. Some sort of litmus paper with steps,
> maybe? Ideas welcomed, solutions applauded. Karl Koenig
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