Re: Proofing (Study Prints) for Alt. Process
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 19:04:41 -0500 (EST)

> Every time I talk myself into thinking I can read a negative, I just
> need to make a few proofs to prove I can't.


It might be the hight contrast high density and nonlinearity that are causing
the difficulty, as I mentioned in my response to Steve. In fact, if all I read
about Pt/Pd are right, (how it separates shadows well but not have highlights
blown out, it must be nonlinear)....

About a year or two ago I worked with a miscalibrated equipment and it gave a
different highlight and shadow contrast, and though it was not alt. process,
the way I implemented the temporary proofing solution for that particular
system (until it was finally properly calibrated) might relate.

They used to make eye judgement with the original negative. The problem (and
big frustration) were quite often there were nice separations on the original
that were lost in the final print. We also had the reverse problem: there were
blemishes whose contrast were so low and not apparent in the original but
became terrible spots (or textures) on the final print.

I simply did this: I calibrated my silver printing procedures so that I can
easily get two silver proofs with different exposure and contrast. One is made
to match the shadow contrast as best as we can. The other other is to match
the highlight contrast. With the two study prints (I guess I can't call it
proofs), I could study the shadow separation and the highlight separation.
With that, midtones are usually ok in that system, so I didn't have to do a
separate midtone study. It works very well for me (us). While it might not be
100% accurate, the important thing was to study the separation.

I suppose you could do that with Pt/Pd too if you want silver proof. Just use
/ make a 4x5 negative with lots of shadow, midtone, and highlight details.
Attach that with a step tablet. Make a nice Pt/Pd print, then calibrate your
silver prints to *visually* match the shadows and highlights.

The only problem that we had was although it worked for us, it was hard to
tell/convince the clients how the final prints were going to look like by
showing them 2 prints. :) But I think you were thinking about doing the
proof for yourself, but in your case, even if it is for a client, I would
think a photographer who is paying another person to make his Pt/Pd print must
be experienced enough to make the judgement by the 2 study prints.

And if I remember correctly, you are using an automatic processor. If you have
a 16x20 print drum, then you can easily make the 2 study prints in a single
run, press a button, and a few minutes later you are ready to make your

And I apologize to you or to the list if this is not related directly to what
you were asking and if this is too long.


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