Agfa Film

Joao Ribeiro (
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 23:52:12 -0200

i decided to give Mr. Lawles method a try so I bought some Agfa Darkroom
this film is manufactured to work with imageseters. It is a very
transparent film (I can see trough it my hole darkroom before it is
processed) and
I wonder if anyone of you have ever used it. I am having problems with
mottling and I
don't know if it is the brand or this specific lot. I would like to hear
from any user before
going to Agfa to complain since I am not using it the way it is supposed
to I am in a bad situation to argue.
BTW, with this film I had to cut the first exposure to half to have my
base exposure otherwise shadows wouldn't resist.
Any help would be appreciated.

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