Garet Denise (
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 23:35:15 -0700
-----Original Message-----
>When you mixed the dry pigments, did you mix just the pigment and gum
I tried to jump into tri-color right away, and remember that some
colors mixed much easier than others (but don't remember which). I
did add a little photoflo (5 to 10 drops in about 100 to 200cc gum).
I have no idea if that was a factor in the pigment "setting up" on the
bottom of the bottle.
>For example, for some pigment, 2 smallest tubes of W&N watercolor can
buy me a
>small jar of the same pigment!
Perhaps, but I remember that I went through nearly a full jar of dry
pigment in my initial work. I still don't think I've finished my
first bulk mix of tube pigment and gum. Then again, I haven't been
doing any darkroom work for months now :-(
>> Unfortunately it is currently packed in boxes so I can't give you
>> complete info.
>When you unpack it, could you let us know? Please?
Alright, I took a peek! I only looked at the most concentrated bottle
and it had a very thin layer of pigment on the bottom when turned on
its side. I poked it with a brush handle and it didn't appear that it
would present any problems mixing it back up. It's been sitting
undisturbed since early September. This bottle is W/N Lamp Black,
mixed one 15ml tube to 100cc of Photographer's Formulary gum. At this
ratio I have to mix it 1:1 with unpigmented gum to get a mixture that
won't stain, so it is rather concentrated.
BTW, despite what Judy says about the ease of mixing small batches
with worms, peas, or what-ever, I find it VERY convenient to pre-mix
(To each his/her own!). I keep the bulk in a clear plastic squirt
bottle (16 fluid ounce bought new at a woodworking shop, intended for
glue) and it goes straight into a small graduated cylinder. If I want
a more dilute emulsion, I mix the concentrate with unpigmented gum
(also in a squirt bottle). Put the unpigmented in first to "wet" the
graduate so less pigment remains behind. I then measure the
sensitizer in the same graduate to help "wash" all of the gum/pigment
into my mixing dish. I have no scale for weighing in my studio.
Happy printing.
Garet Denise
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