Potassium Iodide

Sandy King (sanking@hubcap.clemson.edu)
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:06:36 -0400

Liam Lawless wrote:

>My idea is basically that if, instead of fixing your neg when it appears
>right you stick it in pot. iodide, no significant density change will occur,
>and the result will be sufficiently stable on camera negs that are filed
>away in cabinets or ring binders. If necessary, they can always be fully
>redeveloped at a later date, to bring you back where you started. Worth a
>try if you have negs that are unprintable anyway.

Based on my use of potassum iodide in lieu of fixer with bromides being
developed for carbro printing I would exercise caution in using it for
negatives. With carbro the substitution was very effective as the prints
had much better take-off than when finished with non-hardening fixers. I
also noted, however, that prints finished in potassium iodide instead of
fixer, if left for several days in ambient light, would begin to face and
change color. There is a good possibility the same result might be seen
with negatives.

Sandy King

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