Re: Sad News

Judy Seigel (
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 19:05:55 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Andy Buck wrote:
> And while he may be 'unknown', he certainly wasn't in collector's
> circles: The above mentioned landscapes *sold* (not asked) for
> $9,000-12,000. And his recent collages, and earlier work, sold for
> $20,000-30,000. And I am *not* criticizing him or anybody else for
> asking/paying/whatever. He was a master, an artist, and much more.

In fact, I'm wondering what is so "sad" here -- surely not the news that
Fredrick Sommer died at the age of 94 (born 1905). True, it reminds of us
of our own mortality, which is a bummer, but the thought that we might
have 94 years of productive life and creativity is actually inspiring.
(Though we won't want to hear that when we're 93, maybe.)

To my surprise, I found that Sommer was NOT in Beaumont Newhall's "The
History of Photography," or not the 1978 edition. Yet I see so clearly his
bas relief chicken (from where?, I wonder). Naomi Rosenblum's "World
History of Photography" reproduces one Sommer, "The Giant," a collage of
found objects (not one of his best known, I believe).

The sad, very sad, news is, as noted yesterday, US culture & US media are
so debased they spend all newsprint and airwaves obsessing about imperial
sex. I was certain the obit would be in today's NY Times. It isn't.

Meanwhile, here is "culture coverage" in our mass media:

Newsweek, which used to have a section called The Arts, has changed that
to "Arts & Entertainment." Need I say more? Well, I will. This week that
section lists 2 articles -- Movies: Waiting for 'Star Wars', and Books:
Three Pros Refurbish the Thriller.

January 18th Newsweek listed in the same "Arts & Entertainment" section,
Movies: Nick Nolte in His Prime; TV: 60 Minutes Fathers a New Show; Books:
A Good Black's Charges of Racism; and Music: Ruckus Over Rufus Wainwright.

The only other mainstream news weekly at hand is US News and World Report
for January 25, 1999. There is no contents page category or article on
anything relating to any "art form" at all.There is only an item on the
"Outlook" page about a record price fetched by Betsey Whitney's Cezanne at

And lest our continental and overseas friends be less than heartsick at
our disgrace -- smirk not, friends. You'll get there too. Not as bad
maybe, but bad enough.


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