ENIO ALVES (enioalves@hotmail.com)
Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:49:42 -0800 (PST)
>From alt-photo-process-error@sask.usask.ca Mon Feb 1 10:01:33 1999
>Received: from process.sask.usask.ca by sask.usask.ca (PMDF V5.2-29
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>Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 11:49:45 -0600
>From: Dan Koons <dkoons@pld.com>
>Subject: Is it archival
>X-Sender: dkoons@pld.com
>To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
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>Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
> Gary you brought up a good question about the concern on if photos
>be archival. I sell as many as 3 prints a year, and to be honest those
>the only ones I wonder about( I wash and tone anything I mat and
>On the other hand a co-worker who does a lot of wedding photography and
>sells hundreds of prints a year doesnt seem to worry about it.
>Interestingly enough my parents are the ones telling me to take
pictures of
>my son in black and white because color fades, my son is 1 yr old, my
>parents are 72, they more than likly will never see a faded color photo
>my son. SO? maybe its the feeling that somthing that lasts longer is
>just because it will. dan
>Dan Koons
>Southwest Medical Center
>Radiology Department
>PO Box 1340
>Liberal, Kansas 67905
>Fax: 316/629-2435
>E-Mail: dkoons@pld.com
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