Liam Lawless (
Wed, 27 Jan 1999 02:04:35 +0000
A message from Steve Shapiro is possibly relevant to the bleach you're using. Probably you've seen it, but if not Steve asks about an amidol "redeveloper" in the Darkroom Cookbook. The Cookbook gives Kodak S-6 Stain Rmover as the bleach to use with this redeveloper, and this consists of pot. permanganate, sulphuric and sod. chloride.
Now, permanganate + sulphuric is another bleach that can be used in the reversal process (but which I found inferior to the dichromate version), and it also changes silver to (soluble) silver sulphate. With the sod. chloride included, it will bleach to silver chloride, and I'm therefore wondering if the bleach you quoted should in fact use sulphuric rather than hydrochloric. I'm not accusing you of anything, but maybe the source you got it from got it wrong? Wouldn't be the first time.
If you wanted to try the permanganate reversal bleach, by the way, simply substitute 50g pot. perm. for the 50g of pot. dich., and clear in 5% sod. or pot. metabisulphite.
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